HSE`s Science & Research Centre is located within a 550 acre site near Buxton in Derbyshire and is part of HSE`s Science Division. HSE works from over 27 locations throughout Great Britain.The Science and Research Centre is Britain's leading industrial & occupational health and safety research facility. Science Division supports HSE's mission to protect the health and safety of the national workforce by ensuring risks in the workplace are adequately controlled.Science Division employs circa 420 people including scientists, engineers, psychologists, social scientists, health professionals and technical specialists. Its capabilities encompass a wide range of topics including: health solutions, risk and human factors, fire, explosion and process safety; occupational and environmental health; safety engineering; work environment; and specialist photographic and technical services.The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is the lead Department for the UK's product safety framework and is responsible for most product safety legislation in the UK. Civil explosives (CEs) legislation (ER 2014/1638 (as amended) forms part of BEIS's overall safety framework, however Explosives Regulations 2014 (ER2014) is led and owned by HSE in Great Britain (GB) and HSE is also the market surveillance and enforcing authority. As such HSE has responsibility for the designation of standards for civil explosives and the DWP Minister agreed to delegate decisions on standards to Director Level in HSE.To enable HSE to have the capability to meet the above requirements, the Science and Research Centre requires new specialist facilities and upgrades to certain existing buildings, equipment, and other areas.The aim of the project is to confirm the scope of the updates required to the equipment, facilities and test areas on the Buxton site and then to manage the design, construction and commissioning of the same facilities according to CDM and any other regulatory requirements.The Detonator Test Building, to which this opportunity relates, forms one part of this overall strategy, and will be used by the HSE to test the safety of commercially available detonators.
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1 Possible Competitors