The Food Standards Agency FS305013 The preferences of those with food allergies and/or intolerances
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) wishes to commission research to investigate the preferences of people with food allergies and/or intolerances when eating outside of the home. This work will inform the implementation of the new allergy requirements under the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (No. 1169/2011) (EU FIC) before the rules apply in December 2014. Through this research the Agency aims to gain a better understanding of the needs of food allergic and intolerant individuals, which will allow the development of clear advice, guidance and tools for both consumers and Food Business Operators (FBOs). The EU FIC will require that information on the presence of 14 allergens when used as deliberate ingredients should be provided for foods that are not pre-packed (this includes non pre-packed foods and pre-packed for direct sale). There is a 3 year transition period (from December 2011 – December 2014) to allow FBOs to take necessary actions in order to comply with the provisions. The main aim of this research is to understand the preferences of the food allergic and intolerant consumer on how information on the 14 allergenic ingredients is provided when eating out. Through this study we will identify how best FBOs should provide this information to consumers to allow them to make safe food choices. The research should in addition explore the impact that these changes will have on the quality of life of food allergic and food intolerant consumers and to provide a reassessment of this once the new rules have been applied.
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