The Hiring of Trenching, Shoring, Formwork and Falsework.
Scottish Water requires 1 or more suitable supplier(s)o provide a cost effective hire of Trenching, Shoring, Formwork and falsework. The servicesassociated with this type of product to support bothits capital and operational programmes during the SR15regulatory period (2015-2021).This equipment covers all major items including Trench Sheets, Box Sections. Wailers, Drag Boxes, Struts, Braces, Roadplates, Shores, Trench Boxes plus Formwork and Falsework related to Floors, Walls, Columns, etc.The framework does not include hiring of scaffolding or other access/ egress equipment.These items are only indicated as a guideline and ScottishWater will provide a more detailed list in the subsequentender documentation. Scottish Water also reserves the righto expand the listing in relation to any type of Vehiclehire equipment that is associated with the water industryand would be deemed relevant in any working environment.It is anticipated that this framework will be dividedinto lots.Lot 1 — Hire of Trenching and Shoring EquipmentLot 2 — Hire of Formwork and falseworkThe contractor shall provide design, training and on site support regarding their equipment.The subsequent framework will provide Trenching, Shoring Formwork and Falsework hire to Scottish Water, its Alliance Partners and any Scottish Water subsidiary. Scottish Water's scope of requirementsfor these services has the potential to include a comprehensive end-to-end managed service covering the following aspects:(i) Provision of suitable and compatible equipment foreach of the lots advertised and associated equipment(purchase and/or hire options);(ii) The provision of data recording and storage andhe management of all aspects of records that are associatedwith any equipment supplied;(iii) A non-obligation trial phase may be needed prioro final adoption of the service to ensure that ScottishWater is fully satisfied with the offered service and toavoid any situation where Scottish Water's requirementscannot be fully met.The framework agreement(s) will be for an initial periodof 6 years, in line with Scottish Water's Regulatory cycle,Scottish Water will have 6 x 12 monthoptions to extend after the initial 6 year period. It isestimated that the framework agreement will start inApril 2015 subject to agreement on terms and conditions.Scottish Water reserves the right to issue this undera localized or Scotland wide provision and to engagewith one supplier or with multiple suppliers as deemedo be the best fit solution for Scottish Water.Note that the resulting framework agreement(s) will beutilized by SW, and contractors/suppliers workingdirectly or indirectly for SW.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45262311 - Concrete carcassing work
45223500 - Reinforced-concrete structures
35820000 - Support equipment
45262310 - Reinforced-concrete work
44112220 - False floors
45112100 - Trench-digging work
45432120 - False floor installation work
45262300 - Concrete work
45233292 - Installation of safety equipment
45112420 - Basement excavation work
45262212 - Trench sheeting work
45216250 - Trench defences construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors