The Orbital Sustainability Risk Index feasibility study
***THIS IS NOT A CALL FOR COMPETITION**** This contract has been awarded following a quotation exercise. Aims and Objectives of the Project The purpose of this procurement is to conduct a study to determine whether it is feasible to develop an indicative sustainability risk to different operational orbit environments. This could then be used to inform stage 1 of the variable liability limit approach or be applied in other policy areas. The consultation set out the following in terms of background on what such an index might cover. 'The intention would be for the study to generate a range of defined orbits, taking into account a number of orbital parameters including orbital altitude, eccentricity and inclination. These resulting defined orbits would then be incorporated into the proposed variable liability limit approach. As part of the orbit sustainability risk categorisation, the study would explore whether it is possible and how to define this risk in terms of orbital population, debris density and other risk factors such as characteristics of satellites within a particular orbit definition. The sustainability risk categorisation could be informed by collision risk or other parameters, for example financial risk, in situations where a particular orbit category contains a high value asset.
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1 Possible Competitors