CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF AN ELECTRONIC QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR DEFENCE PATHOLOGY The Authority has a requirement for an effective electronic Quality Management System (eQMS) to ensure compliance for blood components.. The requirement is for a standalone system, it is not required to interact with the MoD systems to include the following: a.Must have web access to the secure server by application of licences giving appropriate levels of operability: b.Have a minimum of 5 password protected licences allowing full editorial access for the Centre of Defence Pathology (CD Path) Quality personnel or other Biomedical Scientists (BMS). c.Have a minimum of 10 password protected licences allowing for concurrent 'read only' access by deployed BMS. d.Include a facility to cancel accounts and create new accounts The eQMS must have the capability to allow for management of the following quality functions: a.Document Control b.Audit capability c.Quality Improvement. QUALITY STANDARDS The Tenderer is to be a minimum of ISO27001 (Information Security Management Systems) compliant. The system must be configured to comply with national guidelines pertaining to safe blood transfusion practice (BSQR 8th edn.), whilst maintaining appropriate functionality such that it complies with the guidelines established by best practice for pathology services (ISO 15189). Cyber Security: The MoD has a duty to protect itself from Cyber threats and now we extend this to Suppliers we engage with. As an extension of the Government's Cyber Essentials Scheme the MoD, working together with Industry and other Government Departments, have developed a more robust Cyber Security Model, under the umbrella of the Defence Cyber Protection Partnership (DCPP). All prime contractors must have the cyber security controls specified in DEF Stan 05-138 (Cyber Security for Defence Suppliers), as appropriate to the cyber risk level specified in the contract. The Authority has determined the level of risk at Very Low (Reference: RAR-6U33THAA) as defined in DEF Stan 05-138. In order to do business with the MOD you must have the cyber security controls required as shown above. Should you have any questions please contact Lynn Wallace, Commercial Officer at Click link to the Defence Sourcing Portal,
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72224200 - System quality assurance planning services
48218000 - License management software package
72212218 - License management software development services
72810000 - Computer audit services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors