The Provision of Personal Dosimetry Services to the Office for Nuclear Regulation
ONR are seeking proposals for the provision, assessment and recording keeping services relating to Routine Whole Body Personal Dosimeters and ad-hoc additional Personal Dosimeters. Including: >registration of new inspectors and visiting staff for monitoring ionising radiation exposure through use of personal dosimetry (currently by use of a thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)) in line with ONR's policy; >quarterly retrospective monitoring of all personal dosimeters for inspectors and visiting staff (around 450 people) and associated co-ordinating and record-keeping (in line with that required under Regulation 22(3) of Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR 2017)); in addition >monitoring exposure for a small number of classified persons (around 18 people) under the IRR 2017 Regulation 22, who require monitoring and the associated co-ordinating and record-keeping by an Approved Dosimetry Service >The ability to measure and provide on an ad-hoc basis a dose assessment, upon request, for the following types of exposure: -Dose from exposure to neutron radiation -Dose to the extremities -Dose to the lens of the eye
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33120000 - Recording systems and exploration devices
33190000 - Miscellaneous medical devices and products
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors