The Provision of Tree Works at Stafford Castle
Stafford Borough Council is seeking tenders to carry out works at Stafford Castle approximately 2 miles outside of the town of Stafford. The site itself is 26 acres and consists of the Keep, inner bailey, outer bailey, herb garden and woodland. A visitor Centre houses hands on armour, arms, and costumes.Stafford Borough Council lease land surrounding Stafford Castle from Lord Stafford which includes responsibility for the tree stock. Whilst the site is operated by Stafford Borough Council's Culture and Leisure Provider, Freedom Leisure, the Council retained responsibility for the tree stock.Originally there were only trees lining the main driveway, which were subsequently removed, then, in the mid 1950's, extensive tree planting took place generally in grouped species. There are now approximately 5,500 mixed broadleaf and softwood species specifically beech, ash and sycamore trees on the site covering an area of approximately 133,300 m2 (13.3 Ha).Unfortunately no management plan has ever been implemented on the site, so the trees have never been thinned out to ensure healthy specimens and so the condition of the tree stock is generally poor.Please review the full Specification for more information.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
77211400 - Tree-cutting services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors