The Provision of UCL TM44 Air Conditioning Inspections
3.1.1The Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations require regular inspection of air conditioning systems of an effective rated output of more than 12 kW The intent for the inspections and subsequent reporting is designed to improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, operating costs and carbon emissions associated with air conditioning and ventilation systems. Only air conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12kW are to be included in the scope of works. This will include systems consisting of individual units which are less than 12kW but whose combined effective rated output is more than 12kW. The effective rated output is the maximum calorific output in kW stated by the manufacture of the system as deliverable during continuous operation while complying with the useful efficiency indicated by the manufacture. In this specification the term 'air conditioning system' is used to represent both fixed self-contained systems such as split systems, heat pumps and centralised systems. The latter includes any water, air or other fluid distribution, exhaust, heat recovery and humidification systems that form part of the system. The term also includes the controls that regulate systems. Mechanical ventilation systems that provide no mechanical cooling themselves but serve spaces that are cooled by other mechanical means are included. Any components contained in the system that are only intended to provide heating are excluded. Air conditioning and related systems are subject to other regulatory inspection requirements which fall outside the scope of this specification. However, the records of such regulatory inspections will be made available to ensure the assessor has all the information required to provide a complete report. Any components contained in the systems that are only intended to provide heat are excluded. The scope of the inspections shall include all types of comfort cooling and for systems providing cooling to server rooms. In addition, inspections shall cover dedicated process cooling or air conditioning of spaces where the principal purpose of the air conditioning is not to provide comfort cooling such a research and experimental processes. Note: - The Air Conditioning Inspections survey shall be carried out on a sampling basis for each building. Inspections must be undertaken by suitably qualified and accredited persons, referred to in this specification as 'inspectors'. They shall be accredited by a scheme approved by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
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39717200 - Air-conditioning appliances
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