The Regal, Wallingford, Oxfordshire - feasibility review
We are looking for a property development solutions expert - with commercial and residential development experience - to evaluate the feasibility of a preferred concept for the redevelopment of a building and site owned by Wallingford Town Council, and to recommend an alternative route (from a list of options) if the preferred scheme is not considered feasible. The building is The Regal Centre, Goldsmith's Lane, Wallingford, OX10 0DN. The Regal was constructed in 1933 as a cinema and ceased to operate in that capacity in 1973. It was then bought by the Town Council and converted into a community and indoor sports centre. The centre was closed in 2017 for health and safety reasons and has remained close since. The aspiration has been to develop the site into a multi-purpose space for the community's benefit. However, for different reasons, including access and cost, this vision has proved challenging to realise. A detailed brief is available on request from Mr Luke Whitcomb of Wallingford Town Council by emailing Applications should be submitted to Miss Michelle Taylor, Town Clerk, Wallingford Town Council, 8A Castle Street, Wallingford OX10 8DL by Friday, 24 May 2024, demonstrating (a) a clear understanding of the brief and context (b) a description of how you would approach and undertake the project (c) a clear understanding of the challenges involved and how you intend to address these (d) a description of your professional capability and experience relevant to the project (e) the names of individuals who will be working on the project and their competencies and professional experience, (f) a high level of satisfaction of other clients, (g) a description and rationale of the costs you would charge, and (h) a description of your deliverables
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CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors