The scope or possibility of any future procurement has not been decided
Cardiff Council wishes to seek the views of organisations (and their investors) who have an interest in providing Looked After Children services, and more specifically specialist foster care services to those Looked After Children ‘stepping down’ from Residential Care.The Council currently has a large cohort of young people placed in out of county Residential Care; though in some cases this is appropriate to the young person’s Care Plan, the professional judgement of Children’s Services is that there is an identifiable cohort of young people in Residential Care who could maintain a foster care placement with appropriate levels of support to the carer(s) and young person.The Council is committed to providing Looked After Children with placements in a family environment where this is in the best interest of the young person, and to this end is exploring contractual and funding models for securing specialist foster services.Children’s Services is operating in a climate of increased demands on services, as well as financial constraint, therefore it is limited in its ability to invest in alternative models of service delivery. There is a desire to invest in new practice; however resources are tied up in the high costs of meeting existing need.The Council is looking to the external market to help identify potential solutions. Some initial work has been undertaken as to the feasibility of a Social Impact Bond (SIB) to fund and facilitate the service delivery, although other Payment By Results/Outcomes Based Contracts could be considered. SIBs and Outcomes Based Contracts (OBCs) have the potential to provide much-needed resources for the delivery of interventions; therefore the Council is interested in hearing from socially conscious organisations who are interested in this field.The Cabinet Report and Draft Feasibility Study (less any commercially confidential information) is attached for your information.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors