The Supply of Interim Specialists to UKTI
UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) helps businesses export and grow into global markets and help overseas companies locate and grow in the UK. UKTI operates in over 100 markets globally. In order to support our operations globally, UKTI will utilise interims to provide a range of advice and management expertise. UKTI aims to achieve this support following a procurement to establish a services framework contract which will provide the supply, sourcing and management of interims. As well as interims to support the organisation’s corporate services functions, UKTI may require specialists and management expertise in the following sectors: •Advanced Manufacturing •Aerospace •Automotive •Bio-economy-Agri-tech •Bio-economy- chemicals •Healthcare UK •Life Science •Education •Food and Drink •Creative •Technology •Financial Services •Global sports •Nuclear •Oil and Gas •Renewables •Infrastructure •Consumer goods and retail •Smart Cities This is not however an exhaustive list. The sectors will be serviced by the following capabilities: Trade support •UK Sector specialist - Knowledge and contacts within domestic sector, working with primes to build capacity to export. •In-Market Specialist - Knowledge of sector market conditions and potential investment partners for given region/state. •Deal specialist - Key relationship or knowledge of specific overseas commercial opportunity. Inward Investment •Inward Investment - Knowledge and contacts within sectors to sell UK investment opportunities to overseas markets. •In-Market Specialist - Established understanding and influencer of key potential investors in UK market sector. •Deal specialist - Key relationship or knowledge of specific investment programme in the UK. Global Entrepreneurs •The GEP seeks to enable entrepreneur founders and innovation-rich companies from all over the world to globalise their businesses from a UK HQ. Expertise is required by interim resource to establish networks to help global entrepreneurs who choose to relocate to the UK as part of their international growth strategy.
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CPV Codes
79600000 - Recruitment services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors