The Walks 2021 - Conservation Works: Repair of Wall at The Walks, Loughrea
Works are proposed to 3 sections of wall at The Walks, Loughrea. The wall in question is a retaining wall with the boundary wall above, the lower section dating from the 18th century and the other section possibly of later construction. A man made watercourse flows at the base of the wall. This stream is an important breeding ground for trout. The project involves working from the river, which is only permitted during the months of July, August, Sept. & Oct. Over time, the wall has deteriorated. The lower section of wall is no longer able to fulfil the functions for which it was designed, and the consequence has been to severely weaken the upper wall which has collapsed in several areas and requires rebuilding. The base of the lower wall has moved outwards, partly due to softening of the material on which the wall is founded, (which will be addressed by underpinning), but also because of the lack of bond between the inner and as a leaf of the lower section. An important part of the works plan will be to tie the lower wall back together using a process of grouting with lime. In order to prevent sliding in the future, and to assist the lower wall, which is fragile to carry out structural duties in retaining the soil behind, a series of small ground anchors are envisaged at approximately 1.5 m centres along the three sections wall in question. Once the main structural work is completed, attention can be given to masonry repairs to the freestanding walls above involving rebuilding, patch pointing and capping as shown on the details.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
45212350 - Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
45262522 - Masonry work
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors