Thenue Housing Association — Development of vacant sites at Castlemilk and Bridgeton.
Thenue Housing Association is seeking to appoint suitably qualified consultants to provide professional services for the design and delivery of new build housing developments at the vacant sites at Holmbyre (Castlemilk) and Rumford St (Bridgeton). They are looking to appoint 1 design team for both sites.The following services are required:1. Architect (including Landscape Architect and M&E Engineer as necessary).2. Civil and Structural Engineer.3. Quantity Surveyor.4. CDM Coordinator.Each of these will be separate appointments direct with the Association. The Association anticipate all appointments being made on a traditional basis using recognised industry standard documents.Castlemilk Development.Thenue Housing Association is proposing to redevelop the site at Holmbyre (Castlemilk) which is bounded by Holmbyre Road / Holmbyre Terrace / Blaeloch Drive. The existing buildings have now been cleared from the site and it is expected that there will be in the region of 22 houses and flats created along with a community centre.It is anticipated that the development cost will be approx 3 300 000 GBP (excluding VAT and Fees) and will be traditionally procured. Subject to external factors such as Planning etc, it is envisaged site works will commence early in 2016.A consultant team has already been appointed to take the community facility development to planning stage.The post planning design stage of that part of the project is planned to commence immediately upon conclusion of the procurement of consultants to achieve the site start dates identified above.We will require the consultants to progress the Housing part of the development from commencement of Stage C onwards.Bridgeton Development.Thenue Housing Association is proposing to redevelop two sites at Bridgeton.The first site is bounded by Rumford Street / Reid Street / Franklin Street. The existing buildings have now been cleared from the site and it is expected that there will be in the region of 24 houses and flats created.The second site is bounded by Rumford Street / Reid Street / Finnart Street. The existing buildings have now been cleared from the site and it is expected that there will be in the region of 16 houses and flats created.It is anticipated that the development cost for both sites combined will be approx 4 600 000 GBP (excluding VAT and Fees) and will be traditionally procured. Subject to external factors such as Planning etc, it is envisaged site works will commence early in 2016.We will require the consultants to progress the Housing part of the development from commencement of Stage C onwards.Castlemilk Development and Bridgeton Development combinedIt is anticipated that the combined development cost for both the developments will be approx. 7 900 000 GBP (excluding VAT and Fees) based on the maximum numbers of houses that can be fitted on the site assuming acquisition of all relevant sites. The costs will reduce if the site development numbers reduce during the design stage.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71530000 - Construction consultancy services
71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services
71321000 - Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
71324000 - Quantity surveying services
71317200 - Health and safety services
71222000 - Architectural services for outdoor areas
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors