Thermo Fisher Scientific Prima Pro Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometer Inspection and commissioning (Lot1),
The Institute is looking to issue tender invitations for two Lots and work packages; Lot 1 is to be awarded as soon as the tender process allows, and Lot 2 will follow shortly afterwards. Lot 1 work package: The intended applications of the instrument will be to analyse flue gases of different process stations and be able to identify and quantify the following species: H2, CH4, NH3, H2O, CO, N2, C2H4, C2H6, O2, H2S, Ar, CO2, SO2, NH3 (ammonia). In addition, the Thermo Fisher Scientific Prima Pro Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometer will be deployed to analyse the purity of H2 generated by some processes. We expect that the successful bidder will be able to carry out the following tasks: •Carry out a primary maintenance on the Thermo Fisher Scientific Prima Pro Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometer then inspected to identify any problems. •Carry out necessary repairs where needed. •Run the Thermo Fisher Scientific Prima Pro Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometer to test its performance •Perform a software upgrade to bring up to current standards •Verify the configuration is fit for the proposed application. •Carry out the final commissioning of the instrument
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
42000000 - Industrial machinery
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors