Thetford Town Council Tree Maintenance Work
THETFORD TOWN COUNCIL INVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) FOR TREE SURGERY WORKS IN THETFORD TOWN COUNCIL AREA AND IMMEDIATE SURROUNDINGS REF NO: TTC/19/003 You are invited to submit a tender for the supply of Tree Surgery Works on trees on Thetford Town Council land. Contact name and number: Tina Cunnell, Town Clerk, (01842) 754247. Postal Address: The Carnegie Cage Lane Thetford IP24 2DS Tender to be sent in sealed inner envelopes clearly marked: "TENDER FOR THETFORD TOWN COUNCIL TREE SURGERY WORKS" Quotations to be received by 12noon Tuesday August the 27th 2019. Failure to supply any of the information requested in the attached specification will result in the Tender being rejected. Please send all enquiries in writing or by email, by the deadline stated in the tender timetable, quoting the contract reference number stated above. All tenders will be evaluated objectively as detailed in the Evaluation Matrix within this ITT document. Details of the winning contract will be published in accordance with Local Government Transparency Code 2014. You must be aware of the following: i.All prices must be in sterling and exclusive of VAT. ii.We will not return any part of the documents forming your tender. iii.We reserve the right to cancel or withdraw from the process at any stage. iv.We do not undertake to accept the lowest priced tender, or part, or all of any tender. v.All information supplied to you by us will be treated in confidence to officers and councillors of the council. vi.All details of your tender, including prices and rates, must be valid for our acceptance for a period of 90 days. vii.Once we have awarded the contract, we will not accept any additional costs incurred which are not reflected in your tender. viii.Offering an inducement of any kind for obtaining this or any other contract with us will disqualify your tender and may constitute a criminal offence. Tina Cunnell Town Clerk Thetford Town Council
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors