Tier 2 adult weight management services targeting men aged 45+ and from black ethnic backgrounds
The London Borough of Southwark ("Southwark Council") invites Tender responses for the provision of a Tier 2 Adult Weight Management Service for men aged 45+ and from black ethnic backgrounds. In Southwark, the prevalence of excess weight (overweight or obese) amongst adults aged 18+ is currently 44.2%, and 22.3% of adults are physically inactive. Excess weight levels increase as deprivation increases. Over 61.9% of adults in Southwark with Type 2 Diabetes identify as black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, yet only account for 46% of the population. The vision of this service is to enhance the weight management offered within the Borough and support the health and wellbeing of men who do not typically engage with current weight management services on offer within the Borough. This service will help reduce the risk of diseases associated with being overweight or obese and contribute to addressing health inequalities between genders and ethnicities. Additionally, this service will not only seek to engage men aged 45+ from black ethnic backgrounds but also incorporate insights gained from the target population group gained in workshops held in October 2022. This is a targeted commission and novel service which aims to draw on and incorporate the insights gathered from a workshop with the target population to inform engagement approaches and delivery to ensure the service is designed specifically to meet the needs and wants of the target population. This is a great opportunity for a provider with experience in engaging men and individuals from black ethnic minority backgrounds in health improvement services. The service will be delivered in a community-based setting, so an awareness of the Borough is helpful. The council recognises the importance of a whole systems approach to weight management. The successful bidder must work collaboratively and closely with local stakeholders, such as GP Federations, mental health providers, community groups and other existing weight management services within the Healthy Weight Pathway, to ensure the service is designed and delivered in a way that meets the needs of the local population.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors