TMWR Studio - Utility PC, Audio Desk, and Outside Broadcast Equipment
Equipment for StudiosWe require all the equipment to be integrated into the existing equipment in the studio facility. The equipment should be AOIP and its end-user ease, of use, will be a big factor in our selection process.The equipment should be able to interconnect to all current standards AES67, AES70, Dante, Livewire, Wheatstone and others.The equipment must be able to connect to Radiomation Playoutout system.We also require a new Utility PC to be connected to the systemThe preference is for a split frame audio desk with 11 faders at a minimum.The outside broadcast equipment will be capable of broadcasting over IP in as many forms as possible. IE over Mobile sims over fixed LAN’s and WIfi etc. It will also have 3 Mic Inputs and 3 Line inputs. It should be easy to use and setup. It should integrate into the studio equipment above with talkback. It should have a battery for 5+ Hours of broadcast time.Studio Equipment Required MinimumThis is an estimate of the studio equipment required. Please feel free to make other recommendations:•1 no. broadcast audio mixer having as a minimum a 11-channel mixing control surface c/w associated rack-mounted equipment, power supplies and monitors as may be required.•IP Switch configured to match the AoIP system.•MDU•Standard utility PC with Windows 11 with KVM.•Yellowtec brackets and mounting hardware for above.•AOPI Drivers•14 Analog inputs and 8 Microphones to AOIP System•Codec Studio Base Link Unit 19” rack unit.•Portable Codec Unit As above spec.•Interface to excising Studio Monitors and Headphones•Interface to excising Studio Lights and Clocks etc.•Interface to excising Studio CD Players.•Connectors, Rack shelfs, Cables and Data Cabling as will be required.•Maintenance and training of the equipment.•All labour and materials to complete the job to a professional standard.
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