To contract with organisations to deliver higher and degree apprenticeships at levels 4-7 inclusive in England
1.1.This £20m procurement is to select organisations to deliver higher and degree apprenticeships at levels 4-7 inclusive in England. The minimum application requirement is for ten 10 apprenticeships starts or £50,000 in the 2016 to 2017 funding year: 1.1.1.This funding can only be used for delivery of training and assessment of higher and degree apprenticeships at level 4-7 inclusive which are published with a funding rate (apprenticeship frameworks) or as ‘approved for delivery’ with a funding cap (apprenticeship standards) ‘. 1.1.2.The only apprenticeships eligible for funding from this procurement are new apprenticeship which start on or after 1 August 2016. Apprenticeships which started before 1 August 2016 are not eligible for this funding. 1.1.3. Candidates may include bids for the delivery of standards published with assessment plans ‘in development’ To be eligible for inclusion these must be likely to be published as ‘approved for delivery’ on or before 1 September 2016. Successful candidates are able to deliver other published higher and degree apprenticeships in the event of publication not taking place. 1.1.4.This funding cannot not be used for any other costs outside the costs of direct delivery of training and assessment. The costs of curriculum development or capital purchases are explicitly ineligible for this fund. 1.1.5.This funding can only be spent on eligible apprentices, employers and provision which complies with the Skills Funding Agency published Funding Rules
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80300000 - Higher education services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors