Total Pharmaceutical Gas Solutions Framework
NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) is procuring a framework for the supply of medical gases and associated items/services. The framework is to operate across the UK and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a signed access agreement. For a full list of Participating Authorities refer to document Appendix A9 in the tender pack.The framework is a collaborative procurement with four NHS procurement hubs (known as NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP)). The procurement hubs are listed below in alphabetical order:1. East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement hub2. NHS Commercial Solutions3. NHS London Procurement Partnership4. North of England NHS Commercial Procurement CollaborativeThe proposed procurement will deliver a National Framework Agreement over a 4 year period. This will be delivered through four Lots which are:• the provision of liquid medical oxygen• medical gas cylinders with associated tracking• nitric oxide therapy• national ambulance service medical gas cylindersThe Framework will run for a 4 year term.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
24111500 - Medical gases
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors