Tower Bridge Fire Suppression Works
1.Replacement of the existing fire suppression system in the Towers with a new fire suppression system, recommended to be a standard sprinkler (water) system and which will cover:a.The Towersb.The Walkwaysc.The Abutmentsd.The Engine Rooms and Shop (museum on the south shore)2.Possible refurbishment or replacement (to be confirmed) of the existing gas suppression system in the machine rooms (northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest)3.Connecting the fire suppression systems to the BMS4. Boosting the water mains and domestic water supplies to support the new fire suppression system (to include infrastructure upgrades with Thames Water and the coordination of that)5. Placement of the fire suppression tanks in the recommended location (currently under investigation)
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45343000 - Fire-prevention installation works
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors