Town Centre Marshalling Services - Camborne Town Council
Camborne Town Council is in receipt of funding from The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and is seeking a security contractor to provide 'Hot Spot' marshalling services. The purpose of the marshalling services to the hotspot area is to provide: i.Physical presence that compliments more traditional means such as police officers, Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and other agencies, to dissuade and prevent antisocial behaviour in community hotspots. ii.Reassurance to those in the community through a physical presence within the hotspot and increasing public confidence iii.Support in intelligence gathering for police and other blue light services. iv.Assistance in safeguarding of vulnerable members of the community, both from harm, exploitation or abuse by others as well as from themselves. v.Services which through how delivered are seen as a valued asset to the wider community. vi.Helping to positively build and shape community and sense of community and in doing so building positive as opposed to negative behaviours. vii.Empirical evidential insight and data related to the overall wellbeing of the hotspot which can provide further support to how the Primary Objectives of the funding are being achieved (or otherwise). Details on how to apply are in the accompanying documents.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors