Tracking progress on energy efficiency in the manufacturing sector
The Committee on Climate Change The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) was set up as part of the UK Climate Change Act. The CCC is an independent body tasked with providing advice to Government on climate change issues, and particularly the setting of carbon budgets, and the monitoring of progress towards meeting those budgets. The committee is required to report to Parliament each year on UK progress and will publish its next report to Parliament in June 2022. An important element of these reports is tracking progress against indicator pathways and in the CCC's 2021 progress report the committee set out its plan to develop a better set of indicators to reflect ambition aligned towards the UK's new Sixth Carbon Budget ambition. Energy efficiency in the CCC's manufacturing decarbonisation pathways In the CCC's Sixth Carbon Budget our energy efficiency abatement pathways are primarily based on the 'Max Tech' scenarios from the '2015 BIS Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Roadmaps to 2050', but also assume some additional abatement from sectors not covered by the Roadmaps. • We evaluated the abatement costs for all the measures in the Max Tech pathways from the Roadmaps and included all of those that are cheaper than 350 £/tCO2e. • As there are likely to be energy efficiency opportunities in the less-energy intensive sectors, where energy efficiency opportunities may be less salient to decision makers, we assumed a 12 TWh overall energy demand reduction across the less-energy-intense sectors based on BEIS analysis. The Methodology Report contains other details about the pathway. **** See Specification for more information ****
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