Training (Track machine, Thermit welding, Railtech welding, Mtce).
Northern Ireland Railways (NIR) Infrastructure Permanent Way (P/Way) department wish to employ the services of a supplier(s) to provide training to internal staff on a variety of disciplines associated with the departments activities.The P/Way department is responsible for all track maintenance along the Northern Ireland Railways network.The principal items of work to be delivered to the NIR P/Way Department by the successful economic operators are envisaged as:— Lot 1: Training of On track machine operators in operation of Plasser 08 T and L and USP 5 000 Ballast Regulator.— Lot 2: Training of track staff in Thermit welding processes.— Lot 3: Training of track staff in Railtech welding processes.— Lot 4: Training of machine drivers in operation of road rail excavators and associated attachments.— Lot 5: Training of track staff in permanent way maintenance activities and processes in line with Network Rail and NIR adopted standards and best practice.The contract duration will be for 1 year with the option to extend annually up to a maximum of 3 years. The value of this service contract is anticipated as a maximum of 400 000 GBP over the duration of the contract and has been advertised in OJEU. There is no guarantee that this service contract will achieve this level of purchases.The client shall provide training rooms and access to tracks for training as required.All candidates must receive written confirmation of the course taken and the result of the same. This is to be provided to the P/Way trainer / assessor within 48 hours of the completion of the course.The P/Way trainer/assessor must be afforded the opportunity to review the proposed training material in advance of the delivery of the course. Sufficient time should be given to enable review, feedback and incorporation into actual finalised course material.The P/Way trainer/assessor shall be given both paper and electronic copies of training materials and assessments for record keeping purposes and in order to comply with the P/Way Competency management system.All training materials should indicate which standards it draws its materials from and assesses against.Times on site typically 9:00-16:00 (Monday – Thursday) and 9:00-14:00 (Friday) (normal hours). All other times are deemed abnormal hours and should assume 6 hours teaching time.Contractors' staff that are to work on a railway site on more than a 1 off basis, are required to pass an NIR medical and PTS course. For a 1 off visit, contractors' staff can operate with a Track Visitors Pass.Contractors' staff should provide their own PPE tools and learning aids in so far as reasonably practicable. Where additional resources are needed sufficient time should be afforded to the client to ensure their provision.No sub-contracting of the services is permitted without prior agreement from the Service/Project Manager.Course material should be made specific to NIR with the inclusion/omission of particular requirements of the NIR network (no OLE, 1 600 mm gauge, TSC vs COSS etc).
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CPV Codes
80500000 - Training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors