Tralee FRS - Tralee Town and Environs Flood Relief Scheme - Water Flow, Level and Rainfall Survey Contract
Tralee has a long history of flooding and has been identified as an area at significant risk from fluvial and tidal flooding under the National Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Programme. Following the completion of the Shannon CFRAM Flood Risk Assessment Management Plan in 2018, Kerry County Council in partnership with the OPW are currently progressing a flood relief scheme for Tralee. RPS Consulting Engineers were appointed as Engineering & Environmental Consultant on behalf of Kerry County Council in August 2021. The scheme will be implemented in five different stages and is currently in the early phase of Stage 1.•Stage 1 Identification and Development of a Preferred Scheme (2021-2024)•Stage 2 Planning/Development Consent Processes (2024-2026)•Stage 3 Work Packages and Tenders for Contracts (2026-2027)•Stage 4 Construction (2027-2030)•Stage 5 Handover of Works (2030-2031)Additional background information is available on the scheme website ( works in this contract will involve the monitoring of flow, water level, and rainfall level data to be used in the production of network hydraulic models in the Infoworks ICM suite of software. The survey scope includes installation of and monitoring at: •14 No. flow and water level monitoring locations, •3 No. temporary rain gauge locations•Any ancillary works associated with the above.Flow, water level, and rainfall data shall be recorded at the locations set out in this specification and shall be provided in a format compatible for use with Infoworks ICM Software. The works may also include, in conjunction with the works listed above, ancillary works including but not limited to;•Property access arrangements;•Health and Safety;•Traffic Management;•Other incidental Works.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71631440 - Flow-monitoring services
71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
90491000 - Sewer survey services
79311000 - Survey services
71355000 - Surveying services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors