Transforming Leadership Evaluation Fund
The Arts Council wish to commission an external programme-level evaluation of the Transforming Leadership Fund to assess the impact of the fund. The Fund aims to support and test a range of approaches to ensuring arts and cultural leaders are appropriately skilled and from diverse backgrounds. This will support the continued growth and long-term sustainability of the sector. This evaluation will be a longitudinal evaluation of leadership to help us and the sector understand the impact and effectiveness of different methods of leadership development interventions and the impact on career progression and leadership journeys of those who take part. The evaluator (supplier) will evaluate the longitudinal impact of the fund, with the specific aims of the commission including to: - Co-create a programme-level evaluation framework based on the evaluation plans and outputs of the projects and the programme aims; - Develop a consistent set of indicators to collect and monitor real time data and evidence of the longitudinal impact of the fund on the projects and individuals and to compare the effectiveness of different leadership intervention approaches; - Provide a formative and summative evaluation of the fund by tracking its progress towards impact and how that has been achieved; - Identify lessons for Arts Council England around how best to support different leadership development interventions; and - Synthesis evidence from across the streams of work, including the peer learning group into annual progress reports and a final report for Arts Council England.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors