****Transparency Only**** Support to MOD's DBS Performance Metrics Using CCS Framework MCF2 (RM6008) Lot 3
PURPOSE The MOD is undertaking a department-wide Transformation programme. Building a responsive digital Defence Business Services (DBS) to support UK Defence customers is a vital part of this work. DBS needs to transform and deliver significant tangible outcomes, both for itself and the wider MOD. The need to build upon the high level KPIs agreed with the functions in FY19/20 and create those considered out of scope in the previous phase (cross functional) is a priority for both MOD COO and DBS senior customers and underpins the Defence and functional operating models. The creation and implementation of suite of performance indicators sat under the KPIs is necessary to provide a mechanism for DBS and MOD to measure the performance and value of its services. Implementing customer centric, fit for purpose sets of performance metrics and functional dashboards will provide DBS with the ability to measure, succinctly articulate, and communicate the levels of delivery within its business areas. Performance Metrics will bring substantial benefits for DBS customers as by collating and measuring performance data, continuously reviewing KPIs and PIs, DBS can respond to the current and future needs of its users. The full implementation of the performance metrics suite will improve DBS customer journeys and secure future investment and support from the rest of Defence, enabling the MOD to focus on its strategic aim "to transform the way we do business with; smarter decision making, streamlined processes and taking advantage of insight and data." The PM project will be required to work closely with the Operational (Ops) Planning project to ensure the performance metrics design and calculations, align with K&I and are reportable and deliverable. Any technology enablement or commonality of components delivered by the Ops Planning will be utilised by the PM project, to ensure there is one tech solution implemented, for the business areas within scope
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