TRN 1090/10/2015 - Facilitationfor Roadmaps 2050 Phase 2
The Department of Energy and Climate Change requires a contractor to support delivery of eight sector action plans that build on the recommendations of the ‘Industrial Decarbonisation and Energy Efficiency Roadmaps to 2050’ reports published in March 2015. The roadmap reports provide an evidence-based foundation upon which future policy can be implemented and actions delivered. The way in which the reports were compiled was designed to ensure they have credibility with industrial, academic and other stakeholders as well as being suitable to contribute to future policy considerations. The next stage of this project is to develop and agree sector action plans that build on this evidence and analysis to set out a clear route for delivering significant reductions in carbon emissions, increased energy efficiency and a strong competitive position for UK energy intensive industry in the decades to come. These action plans will include actions to be taken by s industry, government and others to help with this transition. The action plans will need to be developed and agreed between government and industry participants, with the relevant trade associations playing a key role in this process. Specifically, the contractor will be expected to deliver the following: Facilitation and stakeholder engagement with a range of stakeholders to develop commitments within the action plans, and to convene participants to develop and agree the evidence and action plans. Specifically, outputs will include planning, organisation, facilitating and reporting of: •One stakeholder workshop (possibly two) and two working group meetings for each of the eight sectors by end March 2016, with the same again by end July 2016. •One stakeholder workshop (possibly two) and two working group meetings for each of the cross-cutting work streams by end March 2016, with the same by end July 2016. •At least one high level panel workshop involving CEO / Director level participants and senior representation from government, in March 2016, with the possibility of a second similar workshop at the end of the project. High quality report writing services for the eight sector-specific action plans, including the drafting of sectoral action plans and a range of supporting papers. Specifically outputs will include: •Eight sectoral action plans – to be used as concise, visual, high impact communication tools (outline draft by end March 2016, final draft by end July 2016) •Eight addendum synopsis reports related to potential key actions for each sector looking at how each new action would fit with the broader context and lessons learned from best practices (case studies) relevant to each sector’s actions. •Similar reports on the cross-cutting work streams, as identified above. •A short summary paper covering all sectors and cross-cutting work streams.
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1 Possible Competitors