TS-DES-2023-02 - Ulster Canal Restoration Lough Erne to Clones Phase 3.3 IDT
Integrated Design Team Service for Capital Works Management Framework (CWMF) Stage (ii) Design per Schedule B.To includ but not limited to:• Review, and update as necessary, all existing engineering design and drawings for 3.75km canal route.• Undertake Ecological Impact Assessment and Habitats Directive Assessment with associated reports including all required habitat and species surveys to facilitate these assessments.• Undertake sub-threshold Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening and complete full EIA and preparation of EIAR if deemed necessary.• Manage the collation, submission and validation of a robust planning application that adheres to the requirements of the Planning and Development Acts, Birds and Habitat Regulations, Water Framework Directive and other relevant legislation. To include for addressing any Planning further information requests.• Review and Update existing reports to include but not limited to: o Archaeological Assessment/Survey o Flood Risk Assessment o Update Landscape assessment o Update traffic management plan o Prepare outline CEMP for the project o Prepare outline waste management plan based• Identification of Protected Structures and complete any necessary consultations with statutory agencies.• Assist in consultations with landowners • Preparation of landowner maps (land take permanent/temporary)• Co-ordinate and undertake consultations with statutory agencies and other 3rd party stakeholders• Preparation of cost estimates
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services.
Tenderbase Categories
Travel and Accomodation/ Hotel/Travel Agency/Real Estate/Rental and Sale// Architectural and Related Services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors