Text to be corrected in the original notice: Place of text to be modified: II.2 Total Financial Value of the Contract(s) Instead of: Value: 13,048,803.61 Read: Value: 25,000,000.00 Place of text to be modified: V.4 Information On Value Of Contract Instead of: Value: 13,048,803.61 Read: Value: 25,000,000.00 Other additional information: The Authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter), the Authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect any changes in national law or government policy, whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise. The link below to the website provides information on the Government Security Classification. Advertising Regime OJEU:- This contract opportunity is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU),the MoD Defence Contracts Bulletin and The overall value of the Contract reflects Contract years 1-4, which are firm priced. The Contract contains three (3) one (1) year Options to extend the Contract further which are fixed price. Separate Exercise Options have not been included in the overall contract value to allow for flexibility to exercise different Exercise combinations as required. The Training Simulation System Portfolio (TSSP) within Defence Equipment and Support, part of the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD), intends to place with Cubic Defence UK Ltd a 4-year contract with three additional one-year option years for the provision of contractor logistic support, support repair and post design services for SCOPIC 2. SCOPIC 2 is a Synthetic Wrap (SW) managed service which replaces battlefield capabilities that are difficult to replicate in live collective training with simulation. The service will operate in the UK, Kenya and Canada and will provide SW displays, controls and equipment to a number of detachments in order to produce realistic and challenging training. SCOPIC 2 will be able to fully integrate with the Army's Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) capability, comprised of Projects AWES, DFWES and TESIK.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34152000 - Training simulators
Status :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors