Tuffley Park - construction of pedestrian footpath with a total length of 245 linear metres
The Friends of Tuffley Park have successfully been awarded Levelling Up Funding to pay for the new pedestrian footpath across the park. Tuffley Park is a focal hub of the community, providing informal and formal leisure activities and is a regular pedestrian walkthrough for school children. Currently, Tuffley Park does not have any form of pathway for users to: 1.Transition across the park 2.Fully utilise the park features. The current grass is boggy, uneven, restricting access for those with mobility needs and unsuitable for the general public especially during winter months. Having consulted with local residents the park currently restricts participation of persons with mobility needs and forms a barrier to other thriving areas. A new pedestrian footpath with a total length of 245 linear metres is required. Pricing to include for two width options Option 1 at 2.0m and Option 2 at 1.5 metre wide with softwood edgings. Construction of a self-binding gravel footpath, including pressure treated softwood timber edgings. Path to be constructed with central camber (to allow path to shed water). The Contractor will supply materials and construct the new self-binding gravel path and edging, to the specification set out below. On award of contract, the Authority and the Contractor will agree on site, the exact location and line of footpath. Agree on site, the delivery and temporary storage of gravel and materials for constructing the footpath on Tuffley Park.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112711 - Landscaping work for parks
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors