TVASC014/2022 Tees Valley Complex Care & Support Framework
The Local Authorities based in the Tees Valley area (consisting of Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland, Stockton, Hartlepool and Darlington) are committed to ensuring people with learning disabilities and or autism who have complex and challenging support needs (including forensic needs), receive responsive and bespoke services which enable them to live fulfilling and rewarding lives, safely and where possible in their own local community.The Tees Valley Joint Adult Commissioning Group (referred to as the Tees Valley Local Implementation Group / LIG), examines opportunities to jointly commission services and undertake joint projects. This approach led to the development of the Tees PBS Framework. Through this re-tendering process the contract will be renamed the Tees Valley Complex Care and Support Framework and will include Darlington Local Authority.The primary aim for the five Local Authorities in the Tees Valley area, is to drive up the quality of care in value based and well led services – services which have the understanding of why behaviours occur. For all services to focus on the provision of individualised bespoke support where the person is truly at the centre of everything. Support which prevents crisis situations from arising along with an ultimate aim of stopping people with complex and challenging behaviours (including forensic behaviours) being admitted in to assessment and treatment inpatient beds (unless mentally unwell). For these services to be able to evidence how person centred approaches and improvements in people’s lives have led to better outcomes.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors