Ty Unnos: Commercial Buildings Using Homegrown Timber
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTERESTTy Unnos: Commercial Buildings Using Homegrown TimberCoed Cymru is seeking expressions of interest for the appointment of one or more contractors who can demonstrate the required experience and technical ability in the manufacture of timber frame buildings. Through our EU Rural Development Plan Supply Chain Efficiencies Scheme project we would like to develop further a timber building system suitable for small commercial buildings and school classrooms etc, which uses homegrown timber and is based on the Ty Unnos system. The successful contractor will work with Coed Cymru, its architects and structural engineers to deliver a discrete project to start as soon as possible and be complete by 30th June 2015.The tasks envisaged will focus on:(i)The making up of components such as box beams and panels for further evaluation(ii)The manufacture of one or more kit buildings, to the architect specifications, to demonstrate the system. We anticipate the carcass of a commercial structure in the region of 100 m2 being completed in kit form by 30th June 2015.We anticipate the total value of this element of the project will be in the region of £60,000 (inclusive of VAT)At this stage we are seeking expressions of interest and outlines of capabilities from interested manufacturers who have completed the attached EOI form.Any IPR resulting from the project will remain the property of Coed Cymru.Please clearly state in the appropriate place on the EOI form below, your hourly rates for all appropriate grades of staff, including overheads and other charges.The closing date is 7th April 2015Please note that except for this closing date of 7th April the other dates given are estimates.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors