UCAM 107/16 Collaborative Partnership Programmes to NEACO.
The University of Cambridge has been appointed as the lead partner in the Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach (NEACO).NEACO has been established in response to a Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) call for HEIs to form collaborative partnerships by region under the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP).Partnerships have been tasked with designing ambitious and impactful outreach programmes to contribute to three national widening participation aims:i. double the proportion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in higher education (HE) by 2020;ii. increase by 20 % the number of students in HE from ethnic minority groups;iii. address the under-representation of young men from disadvantaged backgrounds in HE.NEACO builds on the existing outreach endeavours of the five partner HEIs in the region (Anglia Ruskin University, Norwich University of the Arts, University of Cambridge, University of East Anglia, University of Suffolk) committed through their Access Agreements with the Office for Fair Access (and otherwise), and the work of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Collaborative Outreach Network (CPCO) and the Suffolk and Norfolk Collaborative Outreach Network (SNCO).
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