UCC-2023-05 - Establishment of a Single-Operator Framework Agreement for Regular maintenance and repairs of dental chairs and associated equipment in Cork University Dental School and Hospit
Cork University Dental School and Hospital (CUDSH) have 90 Dental chairs along with a variety of associated equipment that require regular preventative maintenance and repair. The primary role of the service technician is to extend the equipment lifecycle. A full schedule of the makes and models of the chairs & associated equipment are provided in Appendix 1. The range of dental equipment that will require maintenance and repair includes: •Dental Chairs•Under counter manifold/ delivery systems •Dental carts and delivery systems•Dental lights •Vacuum systems and the related services for vacuum•Air compressors and the relevant regulators etc. •Water delivery systems and associated filtration and treatment systems•Amalgam separators and waste disposal systems Given the age profile of the older Dental chairs which are all out of warranty, there is a recurring need to maintain and repair all Dental Chairs throughout the year. It is estimated that there will be a requirement of approximately 25/30 hours of labour per week on site to address breakdown and routine servicing of dental chairs and associated dental equipment. Additionally, each dental chair will require an annual service check to be carried out where routine checks and replacements parts are installed as per manufacturers’ recommendations. The annual servicing of the dental chairs is to take place during the summer months. This is done in order to minimise disruption to service during the teaching term.There are currently a number of different brands of chairs and a range of dental equipment in situ in CUDSH, these manufacturers include ADEC, PLanmeca, Kavo and Durr Dental amongst others (see appendix 1). The Framework member must have a history providing servicing and repair of a wide range of manufacturing equipment. The framework member must demonstrate the relevant experience to allow for the assigned technician to carry out repairs and service work as per manufacturers’ recommendations. The framework member wil
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