UK SBS CON16016 Design & Construction of a Data Centre, Fajara, The Gambia
Project Scope The project is concerned with the design and construction of the new Data Center at the MRC The Gambia site in Fajara. The project consists of two distinct phases: Phase A – the design of the facility, Phase B – construction and commissioning of the facility. Phase A will inform a business case with which the funding for the phase B is sought to be secured. The MRC will reserve the right to proceed to Phase B with the successful bidder at a later point (no later than 2 years after design completion) or not to proceed at all without being liable to compensation to the successful bidder.The need for a new Data Centre is critical for the continuation and expansion of the research work the Unit carries out in The Gambia. The facility needs to be sufficient to cater for High-Performance Computing (HPC) for Genomics, future expansion in data processing and storage, including the support of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) which the Unit is to procure/implement in this year. The design must also allow efficiency in energy consumption, best possible insulation, and generally good suitability for the local climate.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71500000 - Construction-related services
45000000 - Construction work
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors