UK SBS FM17010 MEDA Lighting Controls
The final date and time for the submission of bids is 8th February 2017 at 11:00am DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the CCS eSourcing Portal. Brief Description of the Works Constructed in the early 1990s the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) at Southampton undertakes integrated ocean research and technology development. The NOC focus is on providing capability to meet the needs of the country's marine research community, including Royal Research Ships, deep submersibles, sensors and instruments. It also houses the global mean sea level data archive, the UK subsea sediment core archive, and the British Oceanographic Data Centre. The building consists primarily of three storey laboratory facilities, each of which has a dedicated engineering services floor (MEDA) above or below them, resulting in up to 7 floor plates depending upon the part of the building in question. The works proposal involves the modification of the lighting and lighting controls within the engineering services floors. The project is to address some failed controls issues, and provides automatic off controls to area presently only fitted with manual controls, and other minor adaptions. Due to budget situation only the proposed works on level Five and level Seven are to be priced initially. Tenders shall demonstrate they have a minimum insurance level of £10million public liability. All of the works are to be completed in line with the specification. Full specification details are available in the ITQ Please ensure you review all attached information to ensure a full understanding of this requirement. All attachments can be found within the RFx attachments tab within the Emptoris System. To register on our e-sourcing portal click on and follow the link 'Register for CCS eSourcing'. To express your interest in this opportunity email
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CPV Codes
31500000 - Lighting equipment and electric lamps
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors