UK SBS PR18152 Offshore Scientific Drilling and Coring and Ice Management and Fleet Provision
In 2021 the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) will undertake a drilling/coring expedition to the high Arctic, Expedition 377: Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP), using a drillship. Drilling will only be possible if there is a robust, integrated method to manage the ice conditions.This procurement is divided in to 2 lots:Lot 1: Offshore Scientific Drilling and Coring.This lot is for a scientific drilling and coring capability to operate in the high Arctic during the annual minimum ice cover period. This requirement includes the provision of the ice breaker vessel which will serve as the drilling platform.Lot 2: Ice Management and Fleet Provision.An integrated ice and fleet management package that will allow the drillship to stay on station. The ice and fleet management can be broken into 3 components that must co-ordinate and work closely together:1) Ice and weather forecasting;2) Icebreaker fleet management;3) Icebreaker vessels (maximum of 3).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
76520000 - Offshore services
34514100 - Drillships
43131200 - Offshore drilling unit
34510000 - Ships
71351600 - Weather-forecasting services
76300000 - Drilling services
76340000 - Core drilling
76320000 - Offshore drilling services
34514900 - Drilling platforms
45255500 - Drilling and exploration work
34500000 - Ships and boats
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors