UK SBS PR19065 The Approved Dosimetry Service for UKRI-STFC
ISIS is a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) near Oxford. ISIS is an intense pulsed neutron source providing beams of neutrons and muons to enable scientists to study the structure and properties of matter for the benefit of Science and Engineering in the UK and abroad. Our suite of neutron and muon instruments gives unique insights into the properties of materials on the atomic scale. UKRI-STFC support a national and international community of more than 3000 scientists for research into subjects ranging from clean energy and the environment, pharmaceuticals and health care, through to nanotechnology and materials engineering, catalysis and polymers, and on to fundamental studies of materials. RAL currently employs approximately 580 members of staff who require quarterly or monthly dosimeters, of whom 65 are classified as radiation workers. It also provides 'ad-hoc' dosimetry for up to 700 laboratory users per month, the majority of these being researchers using the ISIS Spallation Neutron Facility. RAL also requires approximately up to 10 environmental perimeter dosimeters per 3 months and approximately 100 area dosimeters per month. In addition, environmental and experimental dosimetry services are required. An Approved Dosimetry Service is required for the radiological safety programme at RAL. Please refer to the attached Specification document for the full requirement.
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CPV Codes
38341200 - Radiation dosimeters
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors