UK SBS PR150118 The Provision of VSAT Satellite Communications Systems ( Space Segment) for BAS Stations, Ships and Cambridge HQ
***Modification of the Contract*** Contract Variation PR150118 002 - The contract has been increased by £67,241.00 excluding VAT which has brought the total Contract value to £3,045,699.61 excluding VAT. The contract has been modified in alignment with PCR 2015 regulation 72(5)(a)(b) Contract Variation PR150118 001 - The contract has been increased by £78,458.61 excluding VAT which has brought the total Contract value to £2,978,458.61 excluding VAT. The contract has been modified in alignment with PCR 2015 regulation 72(5)(a)(b) UK SBS on behalf of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) anticipates undertaking a procurement exercise for the Provision of VSAT Satellite Communications Systems (Space Segment) for BAS Stations, Ships and Cambridge HQ. The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is a component part of the Natural Environment Research Council, and has, for the last sixty years, undertaken the majority of Britain's scientific research on and around the Antarctic continent. For more information on BAS, visit: The purpose of the proposed procurement exercise is to appoint a provider who can supply, manage and maintain the satellite hardware and bandwidth and undertake hardware upgrade at all the sites. UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) brings a commercial attitude to the public sector; helping our customers improve efficiency, generate savings and modernise. It is our vision to become the leading provider for our customers of shared business services in the UK public sector, continuously reducing cost and improving quality of business services for Government and the public sector. Our broad range of expert services is shared by our customers. This allows our customers the freedom to focus resources on core activities; innovating and transforming their own organisations. Core services include Procurement, Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, ISS, and Property Asset Management all underpinned by our Service Delivery and Contact Centre teams. UK SBS is a people rather than task focused business. It's what makes us different to the traditional transactional shared services centre. What is more, being a not-for-profit organisation owned by its customers, UK SBS' goals are aligned with the public sector and delivering best value for the UK taxpayer. If UK SBS is procuring the Contract or Framework as a central purchasing body for multiple Customers who are other contracting authorities.This means that other contracting authorities named in this OJEU Notice may use the Contract or Framework. Detailed on the UK SBS Ltd website is a list of all organisations, institutes, centres and bodies (Authorised Entities) that may also use any appropriately advertised Contract let by UK Shared Business Services Ltd The full list is detailed below. UK SBS Pan Government list is available at es/SourcingContract.aspx Document 'Customer Profiles'
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32532000 - Satellite dishes
32533000 - Satellite earth stations
34712000 - Spacecraft, satellites and launch vehicles
32534000 - Satellite platforms
32531000 - Satellite communications equipment
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors