UK SBS Small footprint high capacity Liquid handling robot
An Automated liquid handling platform 1. Must facilitate high throughput genetic analysis 2. high throughput fluorescence imaging 3. large-scale PCR and genetic analysis 4. Serial dilutions of cell cultures, media and drug stocks. 5. It needs to be capable of plate replication and reformatting, serial dilution (both rows and columns), cherry picking, and tube to plate transfers. 6. Must have user Interchangeable pipetting heads with automatic recognition and also adapter loading if required 7. The unit must have a small footprint (enable operation in a LMB standard tissue culture hood or incubator ) Max dimensions width 65 cm depth 45 cm height 75cm (including housing) 8. The unit must be capable of achieving at least 12 deck positions About UK Shared Business Services Putting the business into shared services UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) brings a commercial attitude to the public sector; helping our customers improve efficiency, generate savings and modernise. It is our vision to become the leading provider for our customers of shared business services in the UK public sector, continuously reducing cost and improving quality of business services for Government and the public sector. Our broad range of expert services is shared by our customers. This allows our customers the freedom to focus resources on core activities; innovating and transforming their own organisations. Core services include Procurement, Finance, Grants Admissions, Human Resources, Payroll, ISS, and Property Asset Management all underpinned by our Service Delivery and Contact Centre teams. UK SBS is a people rather than task focused business. It’s what makes us different to the traditional transactional shared services centre. What is more, being a not-for-profit organisation owned by its customers, UK SBS’ goals are aligned with the public sector and delivering best value for the UK taxpayer. UK Shared Business Services Ltd changed its name from RCUK Shared Services Centre Ltd in March 2013.
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1 Possible Competitors