UKRI-3131 Innovation Support Hub for Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) Farming Innovation Programme ADOPT Fund.
The ADOPT fund aims to support on-farm trials to evaluate tools, technology, systems, and approaches that can enhance the profitability, productivity, and sustainability of farmers, growers, and foresters in England. The funding aligns with the broader goals of the Farming Innovation Programme (FIP), with a specific focus on 1-to-2-year projects that meet these criteria: Innovative Solutions: Funding is provided for practices or technologies that aren't widely used but show potential to improve farm productivity and sustainability. Farmer-Led: Projects are centred on groups led by farmers. Collaborative: They involve cooperation among farmers, industry, and researchers. Scientifically Grounded: Trials are based on rigorous scientific methods with detailed measurement and recording. Knowledge Sharing: Projects are open to sharing results and lessons learned with others. Innovate UK oversees the scope of competitions and project eligibility
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1 Possible Competitors