UKRI - PS22389 - Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative Project Coordinator
The final date and time for the submission of bids is Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 11:00PM (GMT) DO NOT apply directly to the buyer. All tender information MUST be submitted through the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal BBSRC are looking to appoint an individual or team with expertise of engaging with the farmed animals/ livestock sector, with a specific interest in animal health, to deliver co-ordination activities for the Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative, and to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the initiative. The coordinators will add value to the Endemic Livestock Diseases Initiative by: - Undertaking networking and dissemination activities: to support engagement between academic project teams, project partners, as well as the livestock sector more broadly. The coordinator(s) will ensure that all project partners and collaborators can fully engage in the initiative, by fostering an open innovation environment, and providing an inclusive space for collaboration around shared challenges. These may take the form of, but are not limited to: networking events for award holders and collaborators, and end of project events. - Project monitoring: working with project teams and industry partners to understand and record project progress and outputs against the programme objectives, and communicate these to BBSRC. The coordinator(s) will also lead regular meetings between project teams, and attend regular catchups between the coordinator(s) and BBSRC. These meetings may be virtual or in-person as appropriate. - Communications: Ensuring project teams, project partners, BBSRC and co-funders are kept informed about the progress of the initiative, signposting opportunities for sector of wider public engagement with the Initiative to maximise the translation and impact of the investment. - Reporting and maximising impact: capturing and reporting on outcomes of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the initiative to enable BBSRC to demonstrate the impact of its investment and support the wider dissemination of project outcomes. Full details of requirement can be found in the Invitation to Quote document in the Jaggaer project. How to Apply UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS) will be using the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal for this procurement. To register on the Jaggaer eSourcing portal please use the link and follow the instructions to register as a supplier. If you are already registered on the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal and wish to participate in this procurement, please use the link: Once you are logged into the system you will be able to locate the Procurement you wish to leave a bid on by clicking the ITTs Open to All Suppliers and searching for the reference number PS22389
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors