UNCRC Implementation Skills and Knowledge Framework
The Children’s Rights Unit (in Children and Families Directorate) of the Scottish Government (the “Purchaser”) is seeking an organisation (the ‘”Supplier”) to develop a Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework, with associated content and an accompanying Training Plan, to support the 2021-24 UNCRC Implementation Programme. This will contribute to our overall vision: A Scotland where children’s rights are respected, protected and fulfilled. The Framework will provide a single point from which users can easily access new and existing resources and training in relation to children’s rights. It will be flexible and adaptable so it can be used across a wide range of sectors, giving users an enhanced understanding on how they can fulfil and give further and fuller effect to the rights of children in their role. The accompanying Training Plan will provide support to individuals and organisations to understand children’s rights in relation to their role, status or sector, so users can learn about children’s rights at a level appropriate for their role or organisation. The structure of the Framework will establish a tiered approach, and this structure, alongside the tools in the Training Plan, will allow users to assess the level of skills and knowledge they require for their role, and access content accordingly, making learning of a broad subject area more manageable. The production of the Framework will include the assessment of existing content and integration of this in to the structure of the Framework. It will also include the development of new content, resources and training. Using the Framework and Training Plan to access relevant content, resources and training will support users to gain the necessary skills and knowledge required to take a child’s rights-based approach, and understand how this contributes to other local and national strategic priorities, aiding a transformation in service design and delivery. In order to meet the aims of the programme, the successful Supplier must: Undertake detailed scoping of the knowledge and skills required to take a child’s rights-based approach. Undertake detailed research and analysis of the learning needs of the Scottish public authority workforce in relation to children’s rights, to inform the development of the Framework, Training Plan and new content. Identify and produce relevant resources and content, incorporating and building upon existing materials, which will enable users to gain an enhanced understanding on how they can fulfil and give further and fuller effect to the rights of children. Produce a Skills and Knowledge Framework which takes a tiered approach, and provides a structured, single point of access to a range of resources and training. Produce a Training Plan which supports individuals and organisations to identify and plan necessary learning at an appropriate level. Employ a child’s rights-based approach to developing this work, including engagement with children, young people and families in a meaningful way. Ensure key stakeholders have a chance to influence the development of the Framework, content and Training Plan. Work in partnership with Scottish Government officials, but in particular the Capacity Building Manager - Embedding Children’s Rights in Public Services to facilitate the effective delivery of the project.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors