UNCRC Implementation Skills and Knowledge Framework
The Scottish Government has a requirement to place a contract with an external service provider for the provision of UNCRC Implementation Skills And Knowledge Framework.Since its adoption in November in 1989 and its ratification by the UK Government in 1991, the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child has sought to secure and further the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to.As part of the Scottish Government commitment to support public bodies, partners have welcomed the development of a Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework to support the UNCRC implementation programme. With the vision that a Children’s Rights Skills and Knowledge Framework, and accompanying Training Plan, will build capacity across public authorities to take a child’s rights respecting approach in their work.The Framework should ensure strategic, sustainable and structured support for implementation of a children’s rights approach is available across all sectors and workforces of Scotland. By completing training, participants will gain access to existing and new resources and gain an enhanced understanding on how they can fulfil and give further and fuller effect to the rights of children in their role.The Framework should deliver a commonly agreed and consistent definition of a ‘children’s rights approach’ in public services and promote the benefits of taking said children’s rights approach. It should also provide a single point to access a wide range of learning resources, thereby aiding transformation in service design and planning, enabling a range of individuals and professionals to learn about children’s rights at a level appropriate for their role or status through a tiered approach.This will support public authorities to experience the value of utilising a children’s rights approach and how this contributes to other local and national strategic priorities
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors