
Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Recycling


This research brief is being issued by the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) on behalf of WAW to secure external capacity to produce a compendium of all research and develop a practical framework for evaluating barriers and identifying solutions to recycling at the householder level. The Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) has set challenging recycling and landfill diversion targets. For these targets to be achieved maximum participation and capture of recyclable items is needed. Evidence for Towards Zero Waste demonstrated that for some materials a capture rate of in excess of 80-90% will be needed.To achieve this level of recycling consistently across material streams we will need to understand the barriers to recycling from a householder perspective, be able to identify these barriers and develop and deliver appropriate solutions to overcome these barriers. 2AIMS •To produce a comprehensive compendium of barriers to recycling research building on work undertaken by WRAP (research does not need to be restricted to the UK). (It is intended that the compendium will be produced as an official report between WLGA, WAW and the successful contractor)•Develop a framework/tool for use by LAs, WAW and other partners to evaluate recycling services so that barriers to higher recycling by the householder can be identified•Within the framework offer solutions to the different barriers that have been identified that can be delivered locally•Provide recommendations on solutions to barriers that can be addressed nationally •Provide WAW with recommendations on future recycling communication initiatives/ programmes and key messages •Produce case studies relevant to Wales on how barriers have been overcome and the performance achieved as a result. 3PROJECT OBJECTIVES•To compile and analyse all research that has been completed on understanding and addressing barriers to recycling by householders•Using the findings from the research to develop an evaluation framework (tool, How To Guide) which will allow barriers to recycling to be identified. The framework must be designed with the end user in mind and be easy to understand and use•Provide recommendations on solutions to different barriers (as found from the research) •Solutions to be offered at an appropriate level – LA, WAW, WAG etc.•To provide WAW with a strong evidence base from which to develop recycling campaigns for WAW and LAs•To potentially provide LAs and others with training on identifying and addressing barriers to recycling


Published Date :

16th Dec 2010 14 years ago

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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Region :

North Region

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Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

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Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors