Understanding experiences of ageism
Ageing Better is planning to commit significant resource to fight against the widespread use of derogatory and harmful stereotypes in the pursuit of a more positive and realistic understanding about later life across the country. For this Invitation to Tender we are looking to commission research to provide us with a foundational understanding of how ageism manifests and impacts older people. This project will inform a future large scale, multi-year, national campaign to shift public attitudes and behaviours towards ageing and older people. We are looking to commission research to support audience identification, insight, segmentation and potential messaging to inform a future national, public-facing campaign to stamp out ageism. We would expect this work to be completed within six months. Where this isn't possible, we would expect bidders to detail this and propose suggestions for how the timeline could be kept to six months. The contract value is between £78,000 (excl. VAT) and £83,000 (excl. VAT). Please include a detailed breakdown of each element or activity cost, day rates and activities by team member in your written return. The deadline for bid submissions is 5pm 5 August.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors