Understanding how external users perceive, access and apply GMC professional standards
The aim of this research is to understand how external users perceive, access and apply the General Medical Councils' (GMC's) professional standards. Specifically, we would like to understand: - Views on the GMC's current guidance model, how it is delivered, its accessibility and navigation - What users expect the GMC to provide guidance on, and what is better provided by others - The role of GMC guidance in supporting professional judgement The research will cover three groups of users of our guidance: - Users who are expected to be aware of and follow our guidance: doctors and medical students - Users who are primary sources of advice for doctors and may use our guidance to provide this: e.g. medical defence bodies, Royal Colleges, the BMA - Users who have a wider role in upholding the professional standards set out in our guidance: employers, appraisers, responsible officers, educators The project will form part of an extensive review we are planning to inform the revision of the GMC's core guidance Good Medical Practice (GMP) . The research should deliver findings by early August as the results will be used to inform this review.
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79310000 - Market research services
73300000 - Design and execution of research and development
79315000 - Social research services
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