Understanding the Issues Associated with Doctors' Induction (Including those Returning to Practice)
The proposed research aims to help the GMC better understand the nature and scale of the issues associated with doctors' induction, including those returning to practice. It is hoped that the research will act as a catalyst to help facilitate wider discussions around induction (e.g. a GMC-led round table with key stakeholders). In this way the research should ultimately help to inform and influence policy decisions with regards to induction and returning to practice. We believe that this overall objective would be best addressed by answering the following research questions: aWhat does a safe and effective induction for a doctor look like? - and what are examples of good and bad practice? e.g. in terms of content, structure and implementation? bHow common are issues with inductions for doctors? cTo what extent does bad practice with regards to inductions affect doctors' and therefore pose a risk to patient safety? dWhat factors are likely to be causing good and bad practice with regards to doctors' inductions?
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CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
73110000 - Research services
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
79311400 - Economic research services
79315000 - Social research services
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