United Kingdom-Leeds: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
'Delivery of a coaching programme and develop/ implement plans to boost involvement in angling. Provide anglers with skills and knowledge to fish with increasing confidence. Ensure the work is designed to be all inclusive. In particular there should be an emphasis on finding innovative and appropriate ways to encourage more junior anglers and in so doing address the recent decline in junior sales and participation. Create strong links with local clubs and fisheries and ensure anglers possess all the necessary information for them to continue fishing. Provide a successful angling communication network. Establish an effective structure for local consultation to enable effective engagement between anglers, Environment Agency staff and other interested parties. It is expected that new and innovate other ways of engaging with anglers will be identified and used, including alignment with existing social media routes. Provide a go to service for fisheries predation concerns such as otters and seals. Also using opportunities to raise awareness of invasive species risks and environmental stewardship, such as reducing the impact of angler litter on other wildlife and habitats.'
Published Date :
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Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90000000 - Sewage-, refuse-, cleaning-, and environmental services
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
80000000 - Education and training services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors