Universal Healthcare Innovation and Change Labs support NHS/SOEPS/22.847 PINCC
This notice is to inform the market of the intention to directly award a 12-month contract to London South Bank University for the provision of a Universal Healthcare Innovation and Change Labs support Service for NHS East Sussex CCG from 1 June 2022 . The Universal Healthcare Network is unique in the range of expertise it brings together which resulted in three clear provocations on Universal Healthcare which are not being addressed by the mainstream inequalities agenda, or the NHSE Core20Plus Collaborative or High Impact Improvement Network. The proposed Innovation and Change Labs and Inquiry work are being presented at the High Impact Improvement Network and the Core20Plus Collaborative as it is deemed to complement the national programme but is distinctly different (and unique) from any other initiative being undertaken or proposed at this time. Specialist expertise is required from London South Bank University as a member of National Universal Healthcare Network and which owns the Intellectual Property (Universal Healthcare Innovation and Change Labs) to seek to address this issue. In discussion with the National Universal Healthcare Network, LSBU developed a comprehensive proposal on how participating ICS', (West Yorkshire, Bradford) and (Sussex, Hastings) could be supported to implement a methodology and approach to designing services in a different way which would secure universal healthcare and reduce inequalities. LSBU would provide support on implementing an approach and methodology, (Universal Healthcare Innovation and Change Labs), which is the Intellectual Property of the University. The rationale of the Commissioning Authority for this action is therefore because: •Specialist expertise is required from LSBU as a member of National Universal Healthcare Network to seek to address this issue. •This proposal would be a lever to achieving progress against adoption of a population health approach aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of local populations and reducing health inequalities at pace. •The work is deemed to complement the national Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme but is distinctly different (and unique) from any other initiative being undertaken or proposed at this time. •To seek alternative suppliers would be a duplication of effort. If you wish to express an interest or should you wish to discuss the content of this PIN further, please do this by sending a portal message via the Intend e-Tendering portal in the first instance. The deadline for expressions of interest is 12:00pm (midday) on Thursday 28th April. If no expressions of interest are received, the Authority shall enter into a contract with the provider, relying upon a Regulation 32 exemption of no response/no requests to participate have been submitted in response to this notice. Please note a portal message is the only accepted method of expressing an interest (correspondence received by any other route will not be responded to).
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors